Miss Kressant Amanda Smith

Hey y'all! This was my first blog and it was great until I ran into some tech problems. Oh well. I use my new blog smithfamilia.blogspot.com So I'll see you there!

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Location: Griffin, Ga, United States

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sunday fellowship at the Morton's

After the parents had returned from their dinner at a Mexican restaurant, The Plaths bid farewell until the marrow and we gathered into the living room (I'm not sure what the morton's call their various rooms) to watch "An appointment to Remember" dubbed "Going my Way soldier?", directed by Mr. Luke Pent. We had shown the short film to the Morton girls at our memorial Day weekend and it had become an instant hit. Afterwards with the help of Andrew and Miss Dorothy's expertise in electrical wiring, we girls gathered up in our room on the 3rd story to watch "Emma" We had a great many laughs at our favorite parts rewinding them over and over. What a jolly time I had girls!!!

The next morning, we girls scrambled downstairs where Mrs. Morton was up and cooking away! I wandered upstairs to help Mrs. Campana dress her little ones as the Morton's are experts at cooking large meals and everything was underway. I managed to take a picture of MOST but not all of us eating breakfast which you can see below. Whilst we were washing up the last of the dished, the Davis's and Plaths arrived completing our party for church. The guy's had set chairs up all over the niddle of the house and we girls flocked to the breakfast room. Well, 'cepting Rachie who, having gone upstairs to get something was then trapped amongst the little boys who had taken over the stairs. Oh how I wish that I could have gotten a picture of all the little ones piled on top of eachother singing. It was adorable. After the service we girls got lunch on amidst the piano playing of Wesely and Amanda. We had a jolly time eating between serving food, and holding baby's who; thankfully were in abundance!


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