Miss Kressant Amanda Smith

Hey y'all! This was my first blog and it was great until I ran into some tech problems. Oh well. I use my new blog smithfamilia.blogspot.com So I'll see you there!

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Location: Griffin, Ga, United States

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Commercial in the making

Saturday evening we invited our cousins and a family that is going to buy one of our little puppies to our house Sunday after church. Sunday morning we invited another family out and had a nice day fellowshipping together! Rachie and I fixed a big lunch and I made another one of my chocolate cakes, 'ceptin this one was ugly on account that I had to decorate it with candles. Since we were to have a crowd of little youngun's all dressed up; Daddy decided to shoot a commercial for the puppies. So after lunch we cleared up the dishes and rearranged our dining room into a studio. LOL. Mama wrapped fake presents and I arranged them around my weird cake. We couldn't get a satisfactory angle so we cleared off the top of our freezer and positioned the camera and my cousin Nathan atop. We had a great many laughs and memories from that shoot:) . Later in the afternoon Alan and his friend Mr. Gardiner went outside for a little wrestling whilst we girls tried to dance with our little cousins. It didn't quite work out too well and we could never figure out who was playing the guy's part so we ended up in a heap on the floor laughing hysterically. That evening we sat down to watch Seven Brides for Seven brothers which is an amusing musical that we girls have enjoyed. After the movie our friends and aunt and uncle departed leaving behind a few cousins to spend the night. I was up for the couch that night but before I could climb into bed, Daddy and one of my cousins sat down to watch a John Wayne movie. So I joined my good ole friend the computer and ended up blogging on a friends blog into the wea hours of the morning.


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